Trish Kronik – Co Chair
Peg Parry – Co-Chair

Barbara Himebauch     Tish Hopkins
Mary Lou Gross            Patricia McRoberts
Jean Moser                   Mary Firis
M. J. Mylen                   Kathy Neff

Sue Neiding – Board Liaison


The Avenbury Lakes Community Fund was established as a way to show appreciation for a favor done, to celebrate a special event, or as a memorial remembrance of neighbors, friends and family members. Monetary donations of any size may be sent to the Avenbury Lakes Community Fund, 2122 Southampton Lane, Avon, OH 44011. An acknowledgement will be sent to the person being honored or to the family of the person being remembered as well as the donor. While these gifts are not tax deductible, they serve as kind expressions of gratitude and recognition and will help provide special enhancements to our community.

The Mission of the Community Fund Committee is to evaluate and recommend an appropriate level of funding for significant projects that are not covered by the ALHOA, and which benefit our community at large. Here is a LINK to Community Fund projects. 

Summer Concerts/Hotdog Cookouts – Save the dates for the following summer concerts and hot dog cookouts at the pool sponsored by the Community Fund:
Sunday, June 23, 2024 – Rick & Sharona
Sunday, July 21, 2024 – Bill & Nancy (from the Edsels)

Sunday, August 11, 2024 – Island Troy

Avenbury Lakes  Community Fund Donation Forms  are available on-line or at the Association and Lodge offices.
Community Fund Paver Information and Order Forms:
         Paver Clip Art Options