Avenbury Lakes Lodge
  35400 Middleton Road, Avon, OH
  440-937-9387 Ext 1
Avenbury Lakes Lodge is open to residents:
– Monday through Thursday 9:00a-9:00p
– Friday, Saturday  & Sunday 9:00a-8:00p

Patty Hales, Lodge Administrator  EMAIL
Lodge Administrator Hours:

– Monday & Wednesday 8:30a – 3:30p
– Tuesday & Thursday 1:00p – 6:00p

Click HERE for photos of the Lodge


One of our continuing amenities at Avenbury Lakes is our Library. Along with fiction and nonfiction books, we also provide magazines and puzzles for residents to borrow. The TV Room contains all fiction books (hard cover, paper back and large print indicated with a yellow dot sticker), as well as magazines and puzzles. Books are filed alphabetically by author. In the Game Room contains nonfiction books (biographies, self-help, medical and humorous books). There is no limit on the number of books you may borrow and the length of time you may keep them. All returned books should be placed on the indicated bottom shelf by the door of the TV Room. We accept current book, puzzle and magazine donations for the Library but request that large quantities be left by the return shelf for sorting and classification.  


The bulletin board is located between the locker rooms. All material for the lodge bulletin board needs to be submitted to the Lodge Administrator. The materials will be reviewed monthly and removed if outdated. This will help keep the bulletin board neat and current.


If you’d like to use the Gazebo or Roost, sign up in the Lodge Activity Book. Just put your name on the calendar for the date you’d like to reserve the Gazebo or Roost. Each one has its own sign-up. There is no reservation fee so just sign up.

Roost at the entrance to the wetlands