Operational Procedures for Organized Groups & Clubs
The Bible Study Group meets every Monday from 10:30 – 11:45 AM at the Providence Church on Detroit Road, across the street from Avenbury Lakes. The group is open to all denominations.
The Breakfast Forum is open to all Avenbury Lakes residents and meets on the third Thursday of each month at Perkins Restaurant at 1503 Traveler’s Point in Avon at 9:30AM. Cost is $1.00 to cover speaker expenses. Sign up in the Activity Book. Breakfast orders are placed from the regular menu, and separate checks are provided. This group is not currently meeting.
Card Making & Paper Crafting Club
The club is open to all Avenbury Lakes residents. It meets once per month to make cards and learn new techniques. Times and locations of the meeting vary. Contact us for more information about the times and locations of the monthly event.
CONTACT: Suzanne Butch
The Chess Club meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 1:00 pm in the Lodge Library Room. New players are welcome. We will be happy to teach any resident wishing to learn to play chess.
The Avenbury Lakes Grief Support Group is open to all Avenbury Lakes residents. The mission of the group is to provide compassion, sharing, support, and education about grief and loss for those who are dealing with the death of a loved one (spouse, child, parent, sibling, friend). This group is not meant to be therapy; it is merely for support. The discussions within the group are confidential; it will be a safe place to express one’s feelings, without judgement or criticism. This group is not currently meeting.
CONTACT: Cheryl Courtney

Veterans Corner