Avenbury Lakes is an active adult community, providing opportunities that include artistic, athletic, intellectual and social activities. 
Operational Procedures for Organized Groups & Clubs
The A.M.E.N. membership is open to all Avenbury residents. AMEN meets the first Tuesday of each month at 10:00 AM in Lodge. Come join us if you are interested in learning how to evaluate stocks for possible investing. All interested residents are invited to contact the persons listed below for more details.
CONTACT:  Russ Hirth
Bible Study

The Bible Study Group meets every Monday from 10:30 – 11:45 AM at the Providence Church on Detroit Road, across the street from Avenbury Lakes. The group is open to all denominations.

CONTACT:  Marilyn Jacobcik 
Book Discussion Group 
The Book Discussion Group meets the first Thursday of every month at 10:30 AM at the Avenbury Lodge. All Avenbury Lakes residents are invited to attend. We have read some great books and will continue with that tradition.
CONTACT: Margo Hirth
Breakfast Forum 

The Breakfast Forum is open to all Avenbury Lakes residents and meets on the third Thursday of each month at Perkins Restaurant at 1503 Traveler’s Point  in Avon at 9:30AM. Cost is $1.00 to cover speaker expenses. Sign up in the Activity Book. Breakfast orders are placed from the regular menu, and separate checks are provided.  This group is not currently meeting.

CONTACT:  Pat Hawkinson

Card Making & Paper Crafting Club
The club is open to all Avenbury Lakes residents. It meets once per month to make cards and learn new techniques. Times and locations of the meeting vary. Contact us for more information about the times and locations of the monthly event.

CONTACT:  Suzanne Butch

Chess Club

The Chess Club meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 1:00 pm in the Lodge Library Room. New players are welcome. We will be happy to teach any resident wishing to learn to play chess. 

CONTACT:   Bob Peter
Ladies of the Lake (LOL)
All women of Avenbury Lakes are members of the Ladies of the Lake. LOL enjoy having fun, reaching out, laughing, caring, offering a shoulder to lean on and extending compassion to each other. Monthly activities are announced in the Breeze with cost, type, date and contacts.
CONTACT:  Cheryl Courtney
CONTACT:  Louana Dickey
Garden Club
If interested in having your own 10’X10′ Garden Plot see the Lodge Administrator for what plots are available. Plots are rented for $25/yr with a one time $25 security fee to cover clean up costs if your plot is abandoned and not cleaned up. The purpose of the Avenbury Lakes Garden Club is two-fold.  The first is to oversee and maintain the garden plots on Manchester Lane.  This would include making proposals to the Avenbury Lakes Board of Directors for necessary improvements.  The second is to share  with the members any ideas related to gardening.  Patio gardening is an option for anyone interested. The Garden Club is open to all Avenbury residents, whether or not they have a garden plot. There is no membership fee. The Garden Club meetings are announced in the Breeze.  Click here for a copy of the Annual Garden Plot Agreement.
CONTACT:   Barry Himebauch
Grief Group

The Avenbury Lakes Grief Support Group is open to all Avenbury Lakes residents. The mission of the group is to provide compassion, sharing, support, and education about grief and loss for those who are dealing with the death of a loved one (spouse, child, parent, sibling, friend). This group is not meant to be therapy; it is merely for support. The discussions within the group are confidential; it will be a safe place to express one’s feelings, without judgement or criticism. This group is not currently meeting.

CONTACT: Cheryl Courtney

Quilt Club
The Quilt Club meets the first (1st) and third (3rd) Thursdays of each month in the Avenbury Lodge at 1 PM. Anyone who desires to learn or share quilting techniques are welcome to come. We work on various sewing projects and provide local organizations with donations. We make charity quilts, pillows, pillow cases, and items for the Avenbury Craft Fair. We also take some outings and go to some quilt functions. Come join us and share your ideas.
CONTACT:  Mary Jo Peter
CONTACT:  Jean Wynne
Travel Club
The Avenbury Lakes Travel Club meetings and activities are held as needed and are announced in the Breeze. The Club was created to research, plan and organize overnight group travel excursions, both domestic and foreign, for Avenbury residents. All residents with a love for travel and adventure are entitled to participate. So why not plan to pack your bags and join the Club.
CONTACT:  Mike Teichman
CONTACT:  Linda Vencel
Lodge Monitor Volunteers
The Lodge Monitor Volunteers is a group of Avenbury Lake Residents who monitor the final hours of operation at the Lodge and  make sure that everything is locked and closed for the evening. Typically each volunteer is responsible for one evening a month.  If interested in helping out come to the next volunteer meeting, typically scheduled either on the third or fourth Monday each month.
CONTACT:  Donna Dugan
CONTACT:  Russ Hirth
Poet’s Society
Avenbury Poets Society meets the 3rd Friday of each month at the Winking Lizard at about 11:30 for lunch to shoot the breeze, its very informal. All men of Avenbury Lakes and their guests are welcome.  It’s a great place to meet other fellas from Avenbury and keep current on what’s going on.
CONTACT:  Barry Himebauch

Veterans Corner

For information on Veterans Services, Information and a list of current Avenbury Veterans  –  CLICK HERE