The ALHOA Board, comprised of five members, is responsible for maintaining the highest level of appearance and function of the common areas, amenities and structure exteriors as fiscal responsibility allows. The Board must see to it that the Declarations and By-laws are followed and must develop the rules and regulations to ensure compliance for the benefit of all. The Board members are elected from the body of Owners and serve for a three-year term. The
Board acts as one, with each member having one vote. During the first Board meeting following the annual Owner’s meeting, the five members are each elected by the Board to one of the following positions: President, Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary/Treasurer.
There are five standing committees which advise the Board and through which recommendations for change are presented to the Board. A Board member is assigned as liaison to each committee to assist with advice and counsel but doesn’t participate in voting at the committee level.
The day-to-day management of ALHOA is vested in a professional Community Manager who operates within the rules and practices established by the Board. The Community Manager is an employee of the property management company and receives direction and assignments from the President of the ALHOA Board for ALHOA operational matters. However any clarification of, or deviation from, a policy and procedure must have Board approval and is included in the minutes of the Board meeting. All Board members operate on an “observe and report” basis regarding items they believe need attention, utilizing Maintenance Report forms. Once the form is submitted, the
Board member is only responsible for reasonable follow up.
- Comply with Association Declarations and By-laws including: Articles of Incorporation VII & VIll; Bylaws: Articles Ml, Vlll, DC.
- Study the Association governing documents and take advantage of appropriate available training.
- All decisions are based on an affirmative simple majority vote of a quorum of board members.
- Hold/attend regular meetings.
- Establish Association goals.
- Establish financial goals, operating budgets, reserve fund amounts and HOA fees.
- Approve all financial matters.
- Determine/approve maintenance projects and priorities.
- Interface with Community Manager to accomplish mutual objectives.
- Periodic inspection of outside contractor performance.
Be familiar with operational procedures/rules and dispense appropriate corrective action for any violations.
- Determine who will work for the Association. Develop volunteer program including recruitment.
- Periodically inspect the property with the objective of maintaining the preferred living community image.
- Act in a manner to protect, preserve and enhance the property.
- Each Board member will function as liaison to one ofthe established standing committees.
- Execute Board approved legal documents, contracts, orders & resolutions.
- Make decisions regarding daily operations which do not modify any Board decision and are needed for any of the following reasons: required immediate emergency maintenance, immediate health/safety reasons, avoidance of incurring additional project costs, and/or required for the successful completion of an approved contract/project.
- Define meeting agendas.
Chair Board meetings/bring matters to a vote/limit discussion. Follow “Roberts Rules of Order” for correct parliamentary rule in all Association proceedings, when not in conflict with the Declaration or the Articles of Incorporation.
- Direct the Community Manager.
- Ensure all meetings are arranged, announced and conducted effectively. Perform all Board directed assignments.
Vice President
- Function as President during his/her absence or at direction of Board.
- Coordinate special committee to research topics of importance as defined by Board.
- Organize resident questions and develop answers for Town Hall Meetings.
- Coordinate the standing committees, selection of members and the production of the annual committee reports by each chairman.
- Coordinate Association web site with Board approved contents.
- Shall be an available authorizing signature under the two-signature requirement for all monetary withdrawals and/or the establishing of new accounts.
- Coordinate annual Owner’s meeting.
- Perform all Board directed assignments.
- Periodically review all finances and financial matters with the Board for required approval.
- Regularly compare amounts paid to received invoices.
- Regularly verifr status ofAssociation funds and maintain the two Board Member signature requirement for all monetary withdrawals and/or the establishing of new accounts. Keep financial and accounting records for all income and expenses.
- Investigate no-risk investment of funds.
- Coordinate with the Community Manager the identification and collection of delinquent accounts.
- Coordinate the timely filing of all tax returns.
- Bill approval, coordinate check preparation/mailing, within limit of the Board adopted budget for the contract.
- Monthly financial status report and proposed budget preparation.
Coordinate Reserve Fund analysis.
- Coordinate with accountant on appropriate financial matters. Perform all Board directed assignments.
- Verify proper notice of all meetings, record votes, keep minutes, verifr quorum.
- Ensure minutes are approved by the Board.
- Periodically compare amounts paid to invoices.
- Annual Review of Association Rules and Regulations for presentation to Board. Perform all Board directed assignments
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
- Function as Secretary and/or Treasurer during their absence.
- Shall be an available authorizing signature under the two-signature requirement for all monetary withdrawals and/or the establishing ofnew accounts. Perform all Board directed assignments.
Immediate Past President
(Optional Temporary Assignment – the Board believes that the rotation of offcer assignments is beneficial to its efficiency and performance. When deemed appropriate by the Board, this position will temporarily replace the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer position to more efficiently enable the rotation of officer position assignments). This position can only be filled by a current elected Director who has just left the officer position of President.
- This position in no way usurps the responsibilities of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and/or Treasurer.
- Uses his/her experience to counsel the current functioning Board President and is used as a source of information by all other Directors.
- Assumes all of the responsibilities of the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer position.
- This position falls behind the Vice President and Secretary in line of succession to the President.
- Performs all Board directed assignments.
Community Manager
Responsible to the Board in all Association matters but is an employee of the property management company.
- Takes assignments from the Board President. The Community Manager determines how to accomplish the assignments and considers recommendations from the Board President.
- Advise and assist the Board including interfacing with all Board members to accomplish mutuai objectives. Supervise and be responsible for the performance of all property management company employees assigned to ALHOA to include their achievement ofjob responsibilities, (i.e., maintenance, newsletter, documentation of funds handled by Lodge Administrator, lodge clean up, administrative tasks). Maintain appropriate employee/empioyer relationships with the staff and property management company. Coordinate with the treasurer and be responsible for implementing the delinquent account collection procedure.
- Oversee creation of legal documents such as bids and contracts, including document requests from owners.
Coordinate all contractors, review their work and confirm that it is performed correctly and when needed.
- Oversee Association membership rolls and the identification/verification of all unit owners and residents. As directed by the Board, coordinate all corrective action taken against violators of Association Declaration, By-laws, rules and regulations.
Record, file and have completed all owner maintenance requests that are Association responsibility. Resales: Preparation of seller/buyer paperwork (i.e., age, owner/resident identification/verification) and orientation of new owners/residents.
Specification/bid preparation and coordination.
- Maintain an EMERGENCY 24 hour answering service.
- Ensure rules/regulations on property use and assessment payment, are enforced by follow-up with appropriate contracted providers of those services (i.e., property management company; law firm, etc.). Develop general and specific correspondence, as Board representative, in accordance with rules/reguiations, Board orders and resolutions.
- Insurance: bid preparation, claim follow through and coordination.
- Develop an action calendar to ensure that repeating items are addressed in a timely manner (i.e., all required insurance renewals, lodge environmental inspection, various service contracts, etc.).
- Ensure common properties, equipment and other facilities of the Association are inspected periodically and maintained to conserve the quality of the living environment and to protect property values.
- Ensure that the Association ‘s property is kept in compliance with the requirements of required laws and ordinances.
See to it that services provided by the Association to owners/residents are performed in accordance with established procedures, appropriate customer sensitivity and on a timely basis.
Maintain positive cooperative relationships with nearby realtors and prospective buyers.
- Perform as a key resource in ensuring that the Annual owner meetings are arranged, announced and conducted effectively.
These responsibilities remain in effect until duly changed by the ALHOA Board.