Russ Hirth – Co-Chair
Jean Wynne – Co-Chair

Mike Gallagher
Gary Hawkinson
Gary Liggett
Joyce Reese
Tom Skrovan

Jeff Kristofeld – Board Liaison


To establish and submit to the Board of Directors recommendations and suggested standards pertaining to home architecture to ensure the safety and security of the homeowners and their guests while still providing choices for owner selection. The intent of the standards is to ensure the marketability and value of all homes. No homeowner is permitted to add to or modify the existing home structure in any manner not in conformance with the Avenbury Lakes Architectural Rules & Regulations and Standards without a recommendation by the Architectural Committee to the Board of Directors and written approval by the Board of Directors.

Architectural Modification – REMINDER
Modification Request Procedure:
• Resident must submit to the Information Office completed Modification Request Form with supporting materials
• Architectural Committee will call to confirm receipt of form and get any necessary clarifications.
• Resident will receive a letter stating that their request has been approved.
• Homeowner must contact office when project is complete so a committee member can do a final inspection and remove from Modification Worksheet.
• Homeowner assumes all liability for installation, maintenance and repair.
• A copy of the proposal will be placed in resident’s permanent file. 
• Resident should keep a copy in their land records, as these conditions will be binding on future owners.
* Projects That Need City of Avon Permits – CLICK HERE
* Any individual or entity operating in the capacity of a contractor within the city limits of Avon is required to register with the Building Department (whether a permit is required or not). Use of registered contractors is recommended by the ALHOA Board and Architectural Committee (ARCH), as contractors must meet specific requirements to operate in the City of Avon, among them being that they are licensed and insured.  CLICK HERE for the City of Avon Registered Contractors List.